Create a beautiful smile with


porcelain veneers

Porcelain Veneers Cost

Crowns and porcelain veneers cost several hundred to several thousand dollars, but the investment can be well worth it with significant long term savings.

Listen to what a recent patient says about his experience.

“I haven’t been to a dentist in a while, but when a large filling fell out a friend recommended Dr. Tristan Taylor at Mountain River Dental.

I was absolutely blown away that he was able to fabricate a crown (my tooth was beyond a simple filling) and save my tooth- all in less than two hours- with no pain! Plus he worked with me to pay for it!

The best dentist experience I’ve ever had in Teton Valley or anywhere else.”
~Scott Prindle, Tetonia

Scott knows that keeping his teeth is important, especially as he gets along in years. Many at his age are being confronted with the possibility of dentures and dental services that replace missing teeth.

Veneers Cost Less Than Crowns

Let’s look at porcelain veneers first. They can be less expensive than crowns and implants and may be the right solution for you.

There a two basic types of veneers, hand sculpted composite (plastic) veneers or porcelain veneers made by a lab.

How many veneers do you need? Just one tooth, custom matching all the other teeth, or multiple teeth, choosing a color from the tooth color shade guide?

Another question pertaining to porcelain veneers. Are you referring to no-preparation veneers like Lumineers, minimal preparation veneers, standard preparation veneers or moderate-plus preparation as would be necessary when there are large cavities or fillings or the teeth are significantly out of normal alignment?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions we need to answer before coming up with porcelain veneers cost. You may see fees advertised as low as $600 and from $2,000-3,000 per veneer in Beverly Hills, with results that vary as much as these fees.

Another important factor to consider is whether you have a good foundation of teeth and gums to work with. Veneers require a minimal amount of tooth reduction (approximately .5 mm) and are, therefore, a more conservative restoration than a crown, but still considered non-revesable.

Porcelain veneers allow us to alter tooth position, shape, size and color. They are not the only alternative for all esthetic abnormalities but are truly a remarkable restoration when they are the treatment of choice.


Where porcelain veneers cover the part of the tooth that shows, crowns cap the entire tooth. The cosmetic effect is very similar, but crowns can address more significant issues with teeth like infections requiring root canals, broken or missing teeth, and strength needed for larger back teeth.

More tooth reduction is needed to fit a crown, and like veneers, is not reversible. But crown technology has changed dramatically, from 3D computer imaging (no more gooey molding paste), to in house fabrication and fixation all in one visit.

Crowns generally are stronger than veneers if done correctly, and can save existing teeth. The more you can do to prevent tooth loss, the better it will be as you grow older. And now with Cerec Crown technology, offering us the ability to engineer and fit a crown in one visit, you can save time.

And as the saying goes, time is money.

Just ask Scott and many others who have found ways to not let crown or porcelain veneers cost keep them from keeping their teeth and their beautiful smiles.

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